Christian Ukulele Lessons

half price for a stretched family budget
three-quarter funding for a family
budget already maxed
14 Tuesdays @ 2 pm: $230 adults $150 youth
What you would need:
Tuner (or phone app to tune
Computer, phone or tablet with cell or wifi
Zoom app installed and good to go
Access to printing technology (pdf booklet)
A silent/private room to park your device and yourself to join us
Need a Ukulele (and live close?) Come rent one ($5/mo) from us.
Questions? Email or call Linnea
Payment Options
Our preferred method of payment in Canada is E-Transfer
send to:
Cheque to Borealis Music
Visa or Square - email here
US & International require PayPal or credit card
Adults $230

Youth $150
Time Zone Calculator
Lesson times are listed in Pacific Standard Time
+1hr=Mountain Time