Kid-dom of God
Roman Catholic Edition

The Kid-dom of God
Helping Children Grow in Christian Faith
by Nancy Reeves and Linnea Good
Wood Lake Publishing - For Canadian Orders
Amazon.com - for US and International
Many parents wonder how to share their faith in a way that respects their child’s need to develop and grow their own spirituality.
The Kid-dom of God: Helping Children Grow in Christian Faith is a complete collection of the award-winning “Children Celebrate” columns by psychologist Nancy Reeves PhD and composer/musician Linnea Good. Selected as the “Best Family Life Column” in 2012 by the Catholic Press Association (spanning all of the US and Canada), and placing 2nd in the “Best Column” category by the Canadian Church Press, these articles are “filled with both simple and complex concepts meant to enrich family relationships, enhance spiritual growth, and offer a nexus point where everyday experience meets reflection on the sacred.”
As one judge commented, Reeves and Good “pack a lot of good advice into [these] provocative columns.” Topics include endings, gratitude, patience, obedience, fairness and justice, awe, creation, discernment, ego, nurturing spirituality, and more.
Release Date: Sept 10, 2014!
Host a Kid-dom Workshop with Linnea and Nancy!
Kid-dom of God - Workshop for children and adults together
exploring the themes of the book through story, song and creative exploration
Kid-dom of God - Skills Enrichment Workshop for Parents, Teachers & Care-givers of Children
exploring the themes of the book through teaching and depth conversations
Download Workshop Poster (template)
Customise for your own event.
Booking weekends Spring 2015